Rescue and feeding program
Toto Angel Centre serves as a rescue Centre for Orphans and vulnerable children brought in within the community who have no place to sleep or no next of kin to stay with. Only the most vulnerable kids spend their nights at the Centre as we don’t have enough facilities to accomodate large number. We are currently housing 20 children who benefit from our inhouse facilities, the rest of the children are supported through our daycare or homebased care plan depending on the childrens situation on admittance. We offer food, shelter and a warm family atmosphere to rescued vulnerable and street children where they can live, play and learn together in a group home setting. we support 40 children with all the basic needs as we strive towards reconnecting them back to their families.
We help provide access to quality education to each child by ensuring they receive the best possible learning experience. we have our children enrolled in public schools and others in secondary school. We support them through provisions of school fees, uniforms, lunch, examination fees and other essential learning materials. Our education support is categories under In-house, daycare and home based care program. Public schools in kenya are poorly organised and the teachers are most of the time overwhelmed with work, the end product of this was poor performance from our primary school children. This created the need to hire a qualified in-house teacher for our children. THe teacher reports during the afternoon hours every week from monday to friday mentors and tutors our children on a one on one learning approach.
We prepare our children for independent living by assigning responsibilities, teaching practical life skills: such as cooking, hygiene ,budgeting and selfcare of self and others with the help and a close supervision from our staff.
We also organize various recreational and extracurricular activities, that serves to help the children and build their social skills, confidence, and a sense of belonging
Counselling and Rehabilitation
We have setup programs once every end of the month for a team of trained counsellors and therapists who are available and volunteer their time to help the children and their guardians through counselling sessions in order to forge unity within the families, resolve conflicts and promote healing from traumatic experiences. The team is well organised and proper mechanisim are put in place during each sessions according to childrens age groups inorder motivate, raise awareness and build a positive mindset towards life and personal growth.
Rehabilitation and Reintegration
It is our goal and also Kenyan government’s directive that children are reintegrated back into the community. Every year we strive to trace and keep close contact to the guardians of the kids and search for opportunities to reunite them back to their family members.It is a long and continous process that involves counselling and follow ups for both the child and the guardian geared towards acceptance and inclusion of the child back into a loving home. With the guidance and assistance of the area childrens office we aim at reuniting and finding permanent homes for our children. When a child from Toto Angel Centre has successfuly been reintegrated we still offer support to the child such as (food, clothes, shoes , school fees and examination fees). This is done during the transition period to reduce the burden to the guardian and strengthen the integration process upto when they can support themselves as per the agreement in the initiation stages. Our support varies depending on the needs of the child and availability of resources.
We have a qualified social worker who together with the guidance of the local government children offices cordinates the integration process from inception upto to the final stages and appropriate follow up are done to ensure the success and growth of the families. He also assists in the smooth running of the centre and ensures childrens basics need are met.
Medical Check ups
All the children at Toto Angel Centre go through a medical history during admission and proper screening and check ups are done both in private and public hospitals to curb the spread of communicable diseases to the other children.Their health is well monitored, recorded and maintained on a monthly basis depending on the child situation. We have assigned an extra room within the centre to act as an isolation room equiped with a bed and a first aid kit for use for new children during admission and isolation when a child is ill to prevent the spread of diseases amongst the children.